New Customer Portal

In an ongoing effort to improve efficiency, the Town is switching our utility billing to a new company. This new software company has an improved customer portal that has more available to you than just making a payment. It allows you to have control over some of your information.  When you receive your bill this week the bill will include a note with a link and a personalized code for you to sign up online.  Once history is established you will be able to view previous bills and payments. There is a button to press to send an inquiry or concern directly to the billing department. If your concern is other than a billing issue it will be passed along to the Water/Sewer Superintendent. Within your portal you are able to make address corrections or changes, and you can also change your bill delivery method. So, if you are currently receiving your bill in the mail but would like to start receiving it via email you can choose that. If you are a landlord and have a new tenant that you would like the bill to be sent to, the renter's form is available directly from your portal so you do not need to open up our website to access it.  You can pay your bill online without having to login if you know your account number. The convenience fee associated with this vendor is less expensive for you also. With the old system if you were to pay a minimum bill of $15.80 online, your fee would have been $3.00. Paying that same amount with the new system is only $1.49. The fee is a percentage based on the amount that you are paying.

There are two areas where you may be able to help us to improve our efficiency. By signing up for email billing you are helping us to save on postage and eliminating the need for supplies.  In addition, if you own multiple properties you can ask to have your bills combined onto one statement. So, for example, if you own 3 properties, instead of receiving 3 postcards you will receive one 8-1/2 x 11 statement that provides all of the information on all 3 of your properties on one piece of correspondence. This helps us to save on postage, supplies, and the cost of processing the bills.

And one final option that you may want to take advantage of is automatic payments. We already have over 100 residents who have been having their payments processed this way for a few years. We will get a link added to your portal to access the ACH form that you will need to complete to sign up for it. Submit it with a voided check and you are all set.