Single and 2 Family Homes Over 2000 sq. ft.

Cost: $100 plus 15 cents per sq. ft. over 2000

Approximate Time from Application to Issue: Varies depending on project

Where to Apply: Code Enforcement Office, Somerset Town Hall, 8700 Haight Road, Barker, NY 14012

Requirements: Engineered drawings with original stamp and signature; septic system approval from Niagara County Health Department; survey of property; names and addresses of all contractors involved in construction; and the cost of construction.

How long is a permit good for?
One year.

What are the area set-backs for construction?
For a house, the set-backs are 50 (fifty) feet from the road right-of-way, 15 (fifteen) feet from the side property lines, and 35 (thirty-five) feet from the rear property line.